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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My kidney for a GT-R

“I can only do 190!” I yelled as another GT-R blitzed past around the sweeps.
Then I realised what I was doing: going foot-flat at 190 km/h through an S-bend. In the GT-R, it felt like I was crawling.
The PR yelled the car was limited to 190 km/h “for bakkie drivers who come from small towns like Waterval-Boven." Me, in other words.
A hairpin-bend came up, I had to brake… to all of about 80km/h. The engine barked with each automatic downshift. In the apex I floored that V6 again, trying to induce a tail-wiggle.
That Nissan just hunkered down and then its linear acceleration proceeded to give me the best face-lift money can buy.
I was still grinning corner-to-corner when I finally had to park the GT-R.
No other super car made my driving look this good. The Porsche 911 Turbo is too tail happy, the Jaguar XKR Coupe’s V8 is just brutal, while my previous love, the Audi R8, suddenly felt like a too small ball box.
This is the one car I’ll sell my kidney for, hell… even a testicle! Any offers?