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Friday, July 29, 2011

Checking your 'owl oil'

Q: y dnt u do smthng on chnging ur owl oil. itll save alot of mney
A: Bro’, “owl” oil... is that when it has, like, feathers in it? 
But we get you, so drivers, listen up: 
Change the car’s oil and the filters as soon as it looks black on the dip stick. The modern service intervals on most new cars except VWs are for dust-free Euro conditions and as our reader says, you will save lot of wear by keeping your local engine’s oil a light honey-colour.
How to check your oil?
Actually, if you have to ask the question, should you really be driving?
But for newbies, modern engines have a large yellow ring sticking out of the engine. Pull it out and look and the pointy bit.
Old engines' rings are smaller and often hidden somewhere in the innards of wires and pointy bits, but keep looking - its there somewhere.