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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Valentine’s ... the way boys do it

JUST after the recent Valentine’s Day, weirdo gamer David Joffe parked his ice-cream truck in the desert near Las Vegas, and then allowed some 1 500 people to shoot at it — remotely.
Billed as Shoot My Truck, this act of gratuitous carnage aimed to promote the Twisted Metal game series, of which Joffe has just launched the latest version.
Each of the 1 500 gamers used their space bars to rat-a-tat-tat 70 rounds of heavy-calibre M249 SAW rounds at his ice-cream delivery van and assorted objects.
To link up all the space-bars with the machine gun, Deutsch LA designed a special weapons app.
“The challenge of something like this comes down to logistics because you’re shooting and blowing sh*t up through the web,” says Winston Binch, chief digital officer at Deutsch LA.
Many thousands applied for a chance to shoot, but on Valentine’ Day, a chosen few got to pump 71 685 bullets into the the van, mannequins, slabs of meat, a innocent piano, hated road signs and, of course, kitsch Valentine’s Day paraphernalia.
To add to the mayhem, the refrigerators on the set were linked to explode when hit.
Shoot my Truck ran for two days, until the explosive charge in the ice-cream truck was also hit.