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Friday, June 15, 2012

Fins order more of Benoni super SUVs

FINLAND has ordered 25 new units of what this writer views as the best sport-utility vehicle in the world.
Dubbed the RG32M and built by BAE Systems in Benoni on Gauteng’s East Rand, this all-purpose, mine-hardened vehicle, with integrated ballistic protection, is also considered the world’s best bomb-proof patrol car by soldiers deployed in the world’s conflict zones.
BAE Systems secured a contract for more than €12,5 million (R132,2 million) to supply 25 RG32M mine-hardened armoured patrol vehicles to the Finnish defence forces. This contract follows Finland’s previous orders for 26 vehicles in 2010, and 23 vehicles in 2011.
“The RG32M, as part of the battle-proven RG range of vehicles, provides a great balance between protection and mobility.
Finland’s follow-on order demonstrates its confidence in BAE Systems’ solutions to help protect the men and women in uniform,” explained Johan Steyn, managing director, Land Systems South Africa.
Deliveries will start in April 2013, and are expected to be completed in July 2013. There are currently 200 RG32M vehicles in service with the Swedish armed forces, as well as 27 light tactical versions in service with the Irish defence forces.