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Friday, July 20, 2012

All set for a serious spin

Michael Chetty of Sidewayz
Michael Chetty, explains where the 80 drivers will show their stunts in the national spinning championships at Mason’s Mill, just off the M70 Edendale Rd, on July 28. INSET: The Sidewayz club will have a lucky draw of R60 entry tickets for one spectator to win this race-ready Beemer.
The event is convened by Sidewayz, and co-organiser of the event, Michael Chetty, said the club expects some 5 000 fans on the day,
Complying to MSA rules, safety and security will be ensured with paramedics and crowd control on standby.
As always, Sidewayz will welcome the petrolheads from the Edendale community who will line the embankment for free.
But only the punters who paid R60 tickets stand a chance to win a race-ready BMW 325, and the grandstand seast overlooking the two competing pits are R20.
The drivers will compete under MSA rules for standardised points in tyre bouncing, power slides and freestyle.
The first involves passing as close to the tyre walls as possible, the slides see how long the drivers can hold drift, and just about anything goes in the manic freestyle session.
For stalls at the event, call Reece at 083 790 4626 (BBM pin 285BC14B). For more info, call Chetty at 079 778 5535.
• Sidewayz will draw the driver’s order of spinning on Friday, July 27, at the Empire Nightclub at 7 pm.