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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Three men and a goat

Not exactly designed to carry 10 Boer
goats,but in KZN, the Fiesta can do so. 
Police in the KwaZulu-Natal stopped a Ford Fiesta without a registration plate and told the occupants "to step away from the vehicle". 
When three men alighed from the vehicle, and said vehicle remained low on its springs, the cops inspected the interior ...
On the back seat sat three boer goats, calm in death with their throats slit. In the boot were seven more goats.
Captain Thulani Zwane, police spokesperson, said the Fiesta was stopped on the road between Ngome and Nongoma in northern KwaZulu-Natal.
He said the occupants, who were respectively 21, 39 en 40 years old, were detained for being in possession of suspected stolen property and that Vryheid's stock theft unit was investigating a possible case of stock theft.
In August, police near Ixopo in the south KwaZulu-Natal stopped a Toyota Tazz containing three men and four sheep. Two of the sheep were on the laps of the men in the rear seat and two in the boot.
The stock theft unit in Vrede still holds the record for the number of stolen livestock in a car.
In 2008 they extracted - with some difficulty - four adult men and 14 pregnant Merino ewes from a green, battered Nissan Langley. The Merino's all had their throats slit.