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Friday, February 8, 2013

Diesel burners not the be-all

South African surfer-model Roxy Louw hits the surf.
Ever so beautifully...
Wozzat about being gratiutous! Us? Never!
Ms Louw is mos a Renault ambassador.
And Renault has diesels, like.


EACH time the price of fuel goes up, people ask about buying a diesel. For even a small modern diesel engine is as frugal as an old scooter but with the power to move up KZN’s steep hills.
The catches are that modern diesels need clean fuel, or 50 parts per measure, and diesel prices have no regulated ceiling.
Hence the sellers can and do charge what the market can bear.
Finally, diesels are more expensive to service than petrol, and if things go wrong, they go wrong dramatically.
Older diesels that can burn 500 ppm diesel can tank up at truck stops. These are sometimes up to a R1/litre cheaper than the highway pitstops. — Editor.