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Monday, May 19, 2014

Mobile clinics on Ford Ranger chassis

Vuza Group’s workshop in Mkondeni was a hive of activity this month as the staff fitted mobile clinic to Ford Ranger chassis for the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health. Having also converted Toyota Land Cruisers and trucks into mobile units, Vuza is fast becoming the leading converter in South Africa. 
“The Department sees the mobile clinics, converted by Vuza, fulfilling a vital role in providing
primary health care re-engineering services” said Mr. Bongani Khanyile, a representative of the Department.
He said Vuza Fleet had supplied 11 mobile clinics that will be deployed serving the KwaZulu Natal province holistically, from Caluza Community Health Centre to Nseleni Community Health Centre.
“These services, which aim to encompass improved community health care, include the extension of mother to child health services; communicable disease control; oral and dental health; prevention of illnesses and immunisations,” Khanyile said.
With this in mind Vuza converted vehicles that are not only patient orientated, by having top of the range interior allowing for both medical practitioners and patients have practical space, but also excellence in optimising the vehicle’s fuel efficiency considering the box body load.