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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Ultimate braai van, with selfie drone

THE Japanese seem determined to adopt South Africa’s culture. First it was our soccer, then rugby and now it is our braais.
Chair of the Japanese Barbecue Association Gejo Tamio, collaborated with social-media project editor Osamu Suzuki-san and carmakers Nissan to make the “ultimate smart BBQ car”.
Called the Ultimate BBQ vehicle, the project is only partly tongue in cheek in response to a challenge to design the ultimate smart BBQ car that is ecofriendly with zero emissions and waste.
Based on the electric Nissan NV200, the braai van comes with a mobile ­kitchen that slides out on rails in the rear, a roof that rolls out from the side with a water mister as well as other luxuries the Japanese consider ­essential braai aids, like a selfie drone that broadcasts pictures via a cellphone to the car’s windscreen, a karaoke ­system and, of course, sub-sonic acoustic mosquito repellents. The electric braai has a 1 500-watt grill.
Answering the question “why an ultimate smart BBQ car” in the electric car? The makers said that the potential of electric vehicles is infinite.

“They do not pollute the air, are quiet and comfortable and ride very comfortably. And in a disaster, will also be an important power supply device.” The fun-loving geeks behind the BBQ say they need just another Yen 10 000 (R978 771) to finish the project on crowd funding.
It makes this man and his braai porch on the Porsche look quite primitive.