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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Radio Overberg précis

Soos wat Elvis nou daar sing oor die trein, gesels ek nou die dag met 'n man wat die spore tussen Belfat en Lydenburg doer in Mpu in stand nou, en kan julle indink een van sy probleme is gesteelde spoorstawe. Dat iemand nou gaan en 'n spoorstaag opsaag en wegdra gaan my verstand te bowe.
Maar gepraat van spore en motors wat jaag asof hulle op spore is, die groot resies was altyd tussen die WRX en die eVo, maar uit Japan het ons nou net een wenner en dis die Nissan G-TR, en ons jong manne soek mos 'n resies, en dis waar die Ford Focus ST en die GTI inkom.
Die nuwe Focus ST2 en 3 is gister by die prag baan van Dezzi doer op die Ooskus bekendgestel. Van julle sal
onthou oom Dezzi, wat 'n man in 'n oorpak vol ghries kolle is, het vanjaar se Simola Hillclimb gemaklik in sy 1000kW G-TR gewen -- al is hy sewe en sestig.
Sy baan is nou die plek vir kar bekendstellings, en ek gesels gister met Amil Umraw, tall dark en handsome en seker die poster boy vir die nuwe Ford Focus ST, oor of dit die droom kar vir 'n jong lat is, en hoe gemaak teen die Golf 7 GTI?
2.0 litre EcoBoost engine remains unchanged (184kW and 360Nm vs 206 kW en 380 in Golf7 GTI) 
0-100 in 6.5 
But its power is not what sets it apart; competitors in the range match up quite easily. Instead, it is what you don’t see that gives it the added edge.
R381, 900 for the ST1 teenoor Golf GTI R412 300
R421,900 for the fully loaded ST3 en Golf GTI R447800.

Ek't altyd gedag die Fokus vir manne wat tatoos verstaan, die Golf vir manne wat verstaan meisies hou van bewys dat jy geld maak, maar nou ry die Fokus lekker op snelweg ook en meisies hou meer van ink as van Golf, so ek is nou goed deurmekaar, ek klim sommer in my Eagle en ry in 13e rat.

Dan het Daimler nou in Duitsland gewys waar hulle al met robot lorries trek. Nou weet ons wat vandag in lorries getoets word, verskyn vlge jaar in karre,
Wat is als in Berlyn gewys?

Mirror Cam

One new feature that Daimler is currently working on is the Mirror Cam. Monitors in the cab on the right- and left-hand sides, in conjunction with exterior cameras, significantly improve visibility for the driver and reduce the risk of accidents.
The lower wind resistance compared with conventional exterior mirrors additionally lowers fuel consumption.

Active Braking Assist

Daimler is also pursuing the further development of Active Braking Assist, which in its current, third generation (ABA3) is able to brake a truck or coach to a standstill if necessary when faced with stationary obstacles.
According to experts, more than half of all rear-end collisions involving heavy commercial vehicles can be avoided in this way. In the next stage of development, the emergency braking assistance system will also be able to detect pedestrians and cyclists.

Blind Spot Monitoring

Another innovation is Blind Spot Monitoring system, which Daimler Trucks will be putting into series production in the foreseeable future, as the first manufacturer in the world to do so.
Experts estimate that this system, which detects pedestrians in the driver’s blind spot, has the potential to prevent half of all truck accidents with pedestrians and cyclists.

Lane Assist 

Lane Assist will also be further developed. Today, it already gives visible and audible warnings when a truck is about to leave its lane. The next stage is that it will actively keep the truck in its lane and steer the truck in case of a dangerous situation.
Each of the new assistance and safety systems will reduce the number of accidents. Their intelligent combination will result in a quantum leap towards accident-free driving.
“When we combine all of a truck’s sensor systems for longitudinal and lateral dynamics, we further increase the safety of our vehicles significantly — autonomous driving will then become possible,” stated Dr. Bernhard. Trucks are predestined for that development.
Cars drive an average of just under 12 000 km each year, but long-distance trucks cover 130 000 km, often on monotonous routes.”

Self-driving trucks

Daimler Trucks has frequently demonstrated its leading role in the field of autonomous driving. In July 2014, the Mercedes-Benz Future Truck 2025 equipped with the Highway Pilot system completed its first drive in autonomous mode on a stretch of highway near Magdeburg.
In May 2015, Daimler received the first-ever license for road use for the Freightliner Inspiration Truck, also equipped with the Highway Pilot, in the U.S. state of Nevada.
The rapid application of Highway Pilot in both trucks was possible due to the close, worldwide collaboration between Daimler Trucks development engineers.
As the only truck manufacturer in the world to date to do so, Daimler Trucks has already covered tens of thousands of test kilometres with autonomously driving trucks — for the most part at its own test facilities and on non-public roads.
Testing on public roads is essential on the path to the market launch of this technology. Daimler Trucks will therefore be starting trials on German roads in the near future. Dr Bernhard: “Politicians must make it possible for us to put autonomous trucks on the road soon. The advantages in terms of more safety and efficiency in goods transport are obvious.” — Supplied.

En vir ons week se vreemde wiele het jy 'n rolstoel wat trappe klim, vertel meer?
Rolstoel mense dikwels daar omdat hulle die A-tipe persoonlikhede is wat te hard gestoot het en dis enorm frustrerend vir die mense as hulle nie trappe kan uitry nie. Soveel so dat een tiener homself jare in sy kamer toegemaak het in Honk Kong, Lee het van die storie gehoor en besluit om plan te maak, en vandag het ons 'n stoel wat met drie tankspore aan weerskante trappe klim.
Nie vinnig nie, maar dis beter as in 'n kamer sit!
En onthou, mense in rolstoele noem ons Taps - Temporarily Able Bodies People -- want wanneer goed skeef loop, loop die vinnig en hard skeef.
Die drie tank spore kantel op en af om die trappe te bereil -- dink aan Michael Jackson se robot dans het met net sy voorarms wat op en af kap, en jy kry 'n idee hoe die arms afsak om die onderste trap te ry wyl die agterste arm nog opwys om die teen die boonste trap te druk. Ek gee voanoogend n handeklap aan Mnr Lee vir sy inisiatief.