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Monday, November 19, 2018

Almost a good idea

A good idea up to the point where the high revolutions of the wheel-washing machine spin the clothes apart. 
Two Iranese students has an idea to adapt a truck's wheel hub to double as a washing machine.
Masoud Sistani and Mohammad Ghasemi, both from the Art University of Isfahan, They displayed their idea the 2018 Global Grad Show hosted in Dubai.
They call it the C.Mile, and proudly explained it will help Iran's long distance drivers tumble
and clean their clothes.
Nice idea guys, but an an hour of tumbling will not just separate dirt from clothing fiber, but the fibers themselves.
Besides, fastidious truckers already have a low tech solution to keep their clothes and bedding clean -- a closed bucket. 
Filled with soapy water and dirty clothes, and placed to slosh gently behind the cab as the drivers goes about his deliveries, this system works very well.
The green bucket up front is actually a washing machine.
For a faster cycle, mount the bucket on the nose of the vehicle, where the sloshing is a bit more pronounced, as did the travelling Shah family from the KwaZulu-Natal midlands with their Unimog.
Long distance drivers who want to have a warm wash have also been known to place the bucket filled with water over the drive train, where it soaks up heat.