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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Government pulls fuel tax teat to breaking point

Paraffin is the only fuel not to get added levies in April.
After substantial fuel price hikes in March, motorists can expect further increases next week the Automobile Association (AA), warned.
The AA projects basic fuel price increase at 98 cents for petrol, 70 cents for diesel and 63 cents for illuminating paraffin. But, the Association notes, increases to the fuel levies, which comes into effect in April, will push the prices even higher.
“Our outlook for April sees petrol increasing by R1,18/litre, and diesel by 90c/litre. There are no levies added to illuminating paraffin,” the AA said.
Increased fuel taxes that become applicable in April
will add a further 20 cents a litre to the April increase
— 15 cents for the fuel levy and five cents for the Road Accident Fund.
The Association says this will push the proportion of taxes and levies on the fuel price to around 38% of the cost per litre of 93 unleaded petrol.
Government statistics by the Petroleum Industry Data Task Team show South Africans on average bought over 5,9 billion litres of diesel and petrol a month in 2018.
Based on this average, a 20 cent rise will net government well over R1,1 billion a month extra income.
The fuel levy has risen by nearly 22% over the past three years and the AA said motorists are justified in asking what this money is being spent on. — WR.