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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The top five funnest trikes in the world

IT is never too late to have a happy childhood and for genuine golden-hazed nostalgia, nothing beats a tricycle. Of course, being all grown-up means one’s trike can be a bit special. Weekend Witness lists the top five fun trikes on sale today.

Nr 1
From T3 Motion’s came their T3 Non-Lethal Response Vehicle (NLRV). U.S. cops can use it to quell riots, what with standard add-ons like two semi-automatic launchers, capable of shooting non-lethal ammo at a rate of 700 rounds per minute. A less non-lethal road version for use by the law-abiding citizenry is now also avaialble.
Nr 2
Piaggio’s MP3 is the safest trike out there, but its tilt allows some serijas hammering down the straights and won’t have you changing the sheets after the twisties.
At the shops it parks on an electro-hydraulic suspension locking system and a three-disk braking system stops it 20 per cent quicker than the best two-wheeler.
Nr 3
Designed by Attila Tari at Hypo Design in Hungary, his “The Saddle” won the 2011 Michelin Design award for new electric vehicle concepts.
That tiny handle is to steer the three wheeled horse like you would a real one — by twitching the reigns, using one hand to steer and the other to control acceleration. Like a horse The Saddle can spin around, and even dance sideways.
Nr 4.
Around since it won the Red Dot award in 2009, the Vodev Biquattro folds out to create a shopping bag with three wheels that is also an electric tricycle.
Its battery-powered motor can do up to 30 km per charge, recharging with a 230 V plug in three hours.
As it can only do 22 km/h, I ain't for a moment suggesting you commute on this. That will be like wearing braces all over again. Noooo, what you do with this is shop with it. It will be so much more fun than pushing trolleys, and when you remember you forgot the dog food, just pull a 360 to make squeally brake stripes. Afterward feeling young again, you can sedately fold the Biquattro and the dogfood in the boot of your responsible family saloon.
Nr 5.
Honda’s 50cc Gyro is already the most ubiquitous mode of transport in Tokyo — in every shape you can imagine. It now also comes with an electric drive train. The Gyro is as timeless as a zimmerframe but it is a classic and as your teenager will say, it is like, whatever, for at least you know it will never let you down this side of death.