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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Giant ship turbos

The giant variable-vane A100-turbocharger for container
ships enables the captain to pipe down ‘dead slow’
to the engine room, or to yell: ‘Damn the torpedoes. Full speed ahead.’
(Source: Motorship,com)
MAN Diesel turbocharger business builds giant turbos for container ships of the Singapore-based container ship operator Neptune Orient Lines.
To save fuel, these new container ships “slow steam”, which requires the engineers to rematch the ship’s four giant turbos to avoid wasting the crude oil on which the ships run as well as billowing smoke into the atmosphere when the engines run at low speeds.

To avoid turbo lag when the engine needs to speed up again, Man Diesel designed the A100-turbocharger that has adjustable vanes upstream of the turbocharger turbine, which varies the amount of air compressed by the compressor wheel.
The ABB system allows the 12-cylinder (each with a 0,98-metre bore) to achieve ratings of just over 72 million Watts at 104 rpm or just over 54 million Watts at 97 rpm.
These vanes give the compressor a very wide “mapping”, which would enable the captain in the movies to pipe down “dead slow” to the engine room, or to yell: “Damn the torpedoes. Full speed ahead!”