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Thursday, February 19, 2015

The taxi super moms want

As revealed in a fun survey,
the taxi Super Moms really want includes:
• a button to shoot missiles and flames;
• a big space enveloped in a roll cage,
with a soft, padded floor for the children;
• a seat with a built-in loo;
• a water pipe for the thirsty teen; and
• a wet wipe dispenser for the rest.
WE polled the mothers in our ken across South Africa to survey what they really want in their vehicles.
To the question: “The ONE thing you want in your car is a …” two in three of our loving moms selected the option for “a little pink button on the gear lever that, when pressed, will repeatedly fire a lazer-guided bazooka with flame thrower”.
The other third opted for “a zillion Watt vacuum pipe with narrow nozzle”.
While the survey was very much tongue in cheek, it is a sobering thought that two-thirds of the mothers spend up to two hours a day ferrying the ­children about. Which may explain why they were so enthusiastic about the ideas of a built-in toilet and drinks dispenser. Kids with full bladders are as demanding as dehydrated kids, don’t you know?
Most of the moms drive hatchbacks and SUVs to transport the children to high school. These young ones think the car should have at least a USB port and a video screen (that AUX jack is SO last century).
The moms rated airbags, good brakes and seatbelts equally important as safety features each car should have.
To the question “You think self driving cars are …”, most replied “too far into the future to worry about”, with some petrolhead mom opting for “it is inspired by Satan”.
None of the moms, however, opted to answer self-driving cars are “a good idea” and one mom from Cape Town even sent a picture of a two-seat Italian supercar as her idea of a mom’s taxi. (Someone should perhaps tell the developers at Google car.)
Asked how they would design the space in a car to fit the children, by far the most opted for a roll cage with a soft, flat floor, a roof-mounted video screen, airbags all round and really big windows.
Tinted black, of course.
For the last question, 100% of the respondents chose (b) below.
“I suffer road rage …”
a) Only the first seven days of the week.
b) Whenever some %*#@ idiot does something dumb.
c) I don’t suffer road rage, I RELISH it!
To the question: “The ONE thing you want in your car is a …” two in three of our loving moms selected the option for “a little pink button on the gear lever that, when pressed, will repeatedly fire a lazer-guided bazooka with flame thrower”.