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Thursday, July 2, 2015

When will this robot to human violence end!?

A Financial Times correspondent who retweeted a story about a killer robot unintentionally started a Twitter brouhaha.
The Financial Times reported 21-year-old contractor was crushed by a robot which he was working on at a Volkswagen plant near Kassel in Germany on Wednesday. 
The robot activated and forced the contractor against a metal plate. The contractor died of his
While retweeting the article with the best of intentions, Financial Times employment correspondent Sarah O’Connor (no fan of theTerminator franchise), learned all she never wanted to know about Skynet and John Connor, who leads the robot resistance from the future to help his mother — Sarah Connor.
Immediately following the tweet, Ms O’Connor was bombarded with tweets referencing the Terminator franchise.
Fake Journo tweeted: “You are our only hope now. Resistance fully supports you as our leader.”
Nicola Fraiman added: “Please @sarahoconnor take care of John Connor, he is our only hope now!”
Erick Iriarte Ahon tweeted: “@sarahoconnor_ skynet is close, run Sarah, ruN!!!”
O’Conner tried to stem the tide, telling the sudden wave of followers on her twitter handle to rather not to follow her as she tweets “really boring stuff about unit wage costs and the like” and reminding them a person has died.
At the end, she concluded, “Feeling really uncomfortable about this inadvertent Twitter thing I seem to have kicked off. Somebody died. Let’s not forget.”
Andrey tweeded: “What are the odds that such accident happens in a week prior the T5 premier and SarahConnor tweets it?”
Robin Wigglesworth ‏added: “BTW I kinda worry about the 1,000+ people who clicked favourite on this…”

A Volkswagen spokesperson on Wednesday stressed that the robot that crushed the contractor was not one of the new generation of lightweight collaborative robots used by staff on the production line.