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Friday, November 18, 2011

The first electric car is back

Sure, most modern wheelchairs are faster,
but look at the curves on Starley's
trike and tell me which is purrdier. 

The Autovision museum in Deutschland have recreated the world's first electric car, which Messrs Ayrton and Perry built in 1881 on a trike launched in the same year by leading industrialist and cycle builder, John Starley.
Messrs Ayrton and Perry used the trike to advertise their eevees for ladies, which had enough space to seat even a dame of Rubenesque dimensions in the appropriate riding fashion for the age, as related here by Wikipedia.
The reverse engineering to re-create this one-seater under Herr Horst Schultz (both pictured left), took more than a year, starting with finding a trike that survived two world wars and at least 40 generations of grandchildren.
The Ayrton Perry trike now gives the Autovision museum near Hockenheim an uninterrupted 130-years of "automotive locomotion options" as they were available to humans.
See the full video here on Youtube.