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Friday, January 11, 2013

Tuning you straight: Stick it to that sheikh

Dire predictions have the petrol price hovering over R12 a litre this year. Such a high price will have less to do with the economy than it has with sheikhs who know they have us over a barrel; and greedy local taxes on all fuel. It also means you will pay over a rand a kilometer just in fuel, using an average 2,0-litre engine — which makes that road trip to Namibia rather dear.
Here’s how to save fuel and stick it to both the sheikh and the taxman on the next holiday journey.
• Set the speed control at 80 and the music at loud: Because wind resistance decreases exponentially with every kilometre you go slower, you will improve your mileage exponentially — just dropping 10 km from 120 km/h, (8,3%) will get you 15% more from every litre.
• Explore the places in between:
Why rush in record time to some distant tourist trap when all you are going to do is sit there? Instead, take the byways and sleep in the small towns in between. You will discover enchanting people and places at virtually every turn-off close to home.
• Mix the wheels: Booking well in advance makes for cheaper flying and car rental, which can add up to less than fuel and tolls.